Introducing Grabbit’s Community Accelerator Program

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Projects | 0 comments

Introducing the Grabbit Community Accelerator Program (CAP), an initiative designed to foster collaboration, harness collective growth, and propel Cardano projects and its ecosystem forward.

The Grabbit CAP serves as the ultimate launchpad, equipping you with the tools, strategies, and connections to create a vibrant community around your project or organization.

Don’t miss this chance to connect, learn, and flourish in an environment designed for collective growth.

If you’re ready to transform your project into a thriving community, hop on over and join the Grabbit CAP by applying here.

Grabbit Partnership Application

Introducing Grabbit’s Community Accelerator Program was originally published in Ikigai Technologies on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.